• CurrentBody Skin 射頻美容儀
  • CurrentBody Skin 射頻美容儀
  • CurrentBody Skin 射頻美容儀
  • CurrentBody Skin 射頻美容儀
  • CurrentBody Skin 射頻美容儀
  • CurrentBody Skin 射頻美容儀
  • CurrentBody Skin 射頻美容儀
  • CurrentBody Skin 射頻美容儀
  • CurrentBody Skin 射頻美容儀
  • CurrentBody Skin 射頻美容儀
  • CurrentBody Skin 射頻美容儀


專利的 Skin Sense 技術,可在家中進行有效、安全的射頻治療

Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
90 Reviews
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  1. CurrentBody Skin 射頻 (RF) 美容儀 - Default title
  2. CurrentBody Skin 射頻美容凝膠 (100ml)
  3. 收納袋
  4. 充電線及插頭
  5. 使用說明書
|百分比|% 折扣!顯示的價格包含與購物籃中的商品一起購買時的 --% 折扣。
  • 我們接受:
  • Generic

    Delivery Methods


      • 廣泛運用於全球美容專科及美容院的專業技術
      • 在家就能輕鬆達到緊緻肌膚的效果
      • 智能偵測肌膚技術給予肌膚最有效以及穩定的能量
      • 100% 使用者表示明顯減少眼周細紋及肌膚拉提
      • 提升肌膚明亮度以及嫩膚效果給予更加年輕的肌膚
      • 安全且簡單使用的療程來刺激肌膚自體膠原蛋白生成
      • 第一次使用5分鐘療程後即可看見效果


      1. 透過獨立療效研究獲得的臨床證據

      效能研究 - 五個月報告

      計算完成的研究、積極治療方案(T8)後以及最後一次積極治療後 1 個月和 3 個月(分別為 FU1 和 FU2)的追蹤方案時的有效性結果。參與者數量顯示在括號中,95% 信賴區間比例(精確二項式)顯示在方括號中。


      使用菲茨帕特里克皺紋嚴重程度量表評估皺紋外觀,並將改善定義為該量表中至少一個分數的減少。此評估由3 位獨立醫師(委員會認證的皮膚科醫師和整形外科醫師)在積極治療方案(T8)結束時、最後一次治療(分別為後續方案FU1 和FU2)後1 個月和3 個月時進行。

      這些結果表明,CurrentBody 皮膚射頻設備對於其預期用途既安全又有效,是一種非處方(OTC) 設備,可用於非侵入性減少Fitzpatrick 皮膚類型I-IV 的成年女性的輕度至中度面部皺紋。

      比 RF 競爭對手的效率高出 33%

      1. 目前人體皮膚射頻設備比較

      閱讀我們的部落格了解更多> 家用射頻緊膚設備解釋

      • 緊緻肌膚 緊緻肌膚
      • 非侵入性療程 非侵入性療程
      • 每週使用一次 每週使用一次
      • 8週見效 8週見效



      • Before After Before



        Stephanie A,NL。 CurrentBody 驗證買家

      • Before After Before



        Stephanie,英國。 CurrentBody 驗證買家

      • Before After Before



        艾莉森,英國。 CurrentBody 驗證買家

      • Before After Before



        Ingrid,英國。 CurrentBody 驗證買家


      CurrentBody Skin射頻設備傳送射頻(或 RF)波給皮膚。 它們會溫和地加熱皮膚,從而促進新膠原蛋白的產生。

      隨著年齡的增長,我們產生的膠原蛋白會減少,而膠原蛋白對於為皮膚提供結構支撐至關重要。 增加膠原蛋白的產生會產生射頻治療帶來的「皮膚緊緻」效果。 射頻在減少皮膚下垂、細紋和皺紋以及增強皮膚緊緻度方面最受歡迎。

      射頻技術還可以促進血液流動- 這有助於均勻膚色,讓您的膚色光滑、容光煥發。< /p>


      專利的Skin Sense 技術

      當您的皮膚加熱至43°C 時,無線電頻率可為您提供最佳效果- 這是膠原蛋白生成和激活皮膚自然癒合過程的最佳溫度。



      專利的Skin Sense 技術



      第 1 步: 請移除所有首飾配件,清潔肌膚並確認擦乾肌膚,在您想改善的部位塗抹適量的射頻凝膠。

      < b >第2 步: 連接上電源,選擇您想要的射頻能量等級後,讓探頭接觸皮膚。

      第3 步:綠燈亮起後,緩慢的在您欲改善的部位移動美容儀。

      第4 步: 當燈號轉變為橘燈時,平均約使用5分鐘,即可換到下個區域。

      第5 步: 療程結束後,請沖洗掉多餘的凝膠並繼續完成您其他護膚保養。

      專家建議:每週使用一次,持續8 週,然後每4 至8 週進行一次治療,以保持長期效果。

      是的。 您必須與 CurrentBody 射頻凝膠一起使用,射頻凝膠可傳導射頻能量波,並使效果更明顯。

      如果您不熟悉射頻,請從最低能量設定開始以適應感覺,然後逐漸增加。 這些能量等級基於皮膚感應技術將皮膚加熱到最佳膠原蛋白生成溫度的速度。

      3 級最高,1 級最低。

      如果橙色燈光持續超過 5 分鐘,或者您感覺不到設備的熱量,請嘗試以下操作:





      我們建議遵循「全臉」緊膚治療來解決所有問題; 從淡化額頭皺紋和魚尾紋,到塑造顴骨和下巴輪廓。 只需 70 分鐘(每個治療區域 5 分鐘)。

      CurrentBody Skin 射頻設備完全安全,已獲得臨床證明、科學和皮膚科醫生的支持。 您可能會感到溫暖的感覺或出現輕微的發紅,但這兩種情況在治療後都是完全正常的。

      具有停止/啟動安全功能,如果皮膚失去接觸,會立即斷開連接(32 毫秒內),以確保開始和結束治療時不會出現不適。


      CurrentBody Skin 射頻家用設備透過可在任何地方使用的便攜式手持設備提供自由和便利地治療皮膚問題,而無需使用臨床醫生或笨重的機器。



      如果您有任何凝血障礙,請勿使用; 有深部靜脈血栓形成、膠原蛋白失調或疤痕疙瘩病史; 流血過多、瘀傷或傷口癒合受損; 或正在服用血液稀釋藥物。

      如果您有皮膚癌病史或有潛在皮膚惡性腫瘤的區域,請勿使用。 該設備的使用尚未在患有皮膚癌的區域進行過測試,因此效果未知。

      如果您注射過化學材料(例如肉毒桿菌或填充劑)或進行過整形手術(例如面部整形手術),請勿使用該設備。過去3 個月內在治療區域進行過提拉術、眼瞼手術)。

      如果您在過去3 個月內接受過專業化學換膚、專業臉部擦傷或燒蝕性雷射治療,請勿使用。




      如果您患有嚴重或不受控制的內分泌或代謝狀況,例如糖尿病或不受控制的甲狀腺疾病,請勿使用。< /p>




      如果您在過去6 個月內服用過維A酸,請勿使用。






      Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
      Based on 90 reviews
      Total 5 star reviews: 65 Total 4 star reviews: 20 Total 3 star reviews: 5 Total 2 star reviews: 0 Total 1 star reviews: 0
      97%would recommend this product
      QualityRated 4.7 on a scale of 1 to 5
      ResultsRated 4.3 on a scale of 1 to 5
      Ease of UseRated 4.6 on a scale of 1 to 5
      90 reviews
      • Sally C.
        Verified Buyer
        I recommend this product
        Rated 4 out of 5 stars
        2 weeks ago
        Early days, but I genuinely feel there is already a visible improvement in my skin.

        After 2 months of use, my skin is starting to look and feel plumper and tighter.

        This device is very simple to use, but would be greatly improved by an audible alert to indicate timing and switching to another part of the face. Otherwise, a mirror is essential, so you can watch for the amber alert light.

        It’s a pleasant and relaxing treatment experience as the device warms the skin, which is comfortable in the winter months.

        I use it once per week, on a Sunday and it takes an hour to move around the full face, as per the instructions. I have one eye on the mirror and one eye on my iPad, for entertainment.

        QualityRated 3.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        ResultsRated 3.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        Ease of UseRated 4.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
      • Clar M.
        Verified Buyer
        I recommend this product
        Rated 4 out of 5 stars
        3 months ago
        Really good

        Definitely helps to maintain between salon treatments

        QualityRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        ResultsRated 4.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        Ease of UseRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
      • Tamsin M.
        Verified Buyer
        I recommend this product
        Rated 5 out of 5 stars
        3 months ago
        Miracle worker

        I have been a customer of Currentbody long before they manufactured their own devices. I own a few of their own brand tools, and the RF is the latest in my arsenal to fend off aging. I have been using the RF radio frequency device for a few weeks, and the results on my 55-year-old skin are amazing. I trust Currentbody and will buy their products over other brands because they're always up-to-date, well designed, and never let me down.

        QualityRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        ResultsRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        Ease of UseRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
      • Clare M.
        Verified Buyer
        I recommend this product
        Rated 5 out of 5 stars
        5 months ago
        Improvement in skin elasticity and firmness

        I did a lot of research before purchasing this, including in peer reviewed journals. It seems to me that home RF devices are the only ones proven to produce results (reduced wrinkles, improved elasticity and firmness) in academic research. I was really hopeful that this device would help tighten my skin at home, as I have a baby and can’t do regular clinic treatments. After 8 weeks I can feel a noticeable improvement in skin firmness and elasticity. My smile lines don’t look significantly different in photos, but I can feel the difference in the surrounding tissue. Some fine lines around my eyes and mouth have visibly improved. It’s definitely not as effective as clinic treatments, nor should we really expect it to be, but for me it’s provided convenient, moderate improvement that I’m very happy with for the price and the effort. I agree with others that the light placement is a bit annoying but I just set a timer on my phone. The cap was very hard to remove. But overall the device is easy and painless to use.

        QualityRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        ResultsRated 4.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        Ease of UseRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
      • Rebecca G.
        Verified Buyer
        I recommend this product
        Rated 4 out of 5 stars
        7 months ago
        Radio frequency device

        This radio frequency device is very easy to use . I’ve used it 6 times once a week and I really think it does soften my lines . It sometimes burns my face after a while maybe I should turn the setting down but I feel it works better on the high one. It does take time to do but you could always just do whatever part of your face you want then do another part the next day .

        QualityRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        ResultsRated 4.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        Ease of UseRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
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