Wondering what the differences are between the NIRA Skincare Laser and Iluminage Skin Smoothing Laser? Perhaps you're looking for an anti-ageing device which doesn't break the bank or your pain threshold? Read on to discover more.
NIRA has discovered what you can do with a laser without the side effects of previous devices. Similar devices, include the Illuminage Skin Smoothing Laser device, which is no longer in production anymore. The Illuminage caused a micro injury underneath the surface of the skin and the cell that is damaged, sheds, producing new collagen and elastin. The Skin Smoothing Laser gave great results, however, this device caused pain, as our Brand Manager, Emily put it, "I've given birth naturally, twice and this device was worse."
NIRA Skincare Laser, on the other hand is a pain free version of the Illuminage Skin Smoothing Laser device. NIRA has harnessed the laser beam that peaks at a point, just below the human pain threshold. Whereas Illuminage had a strong laser that overrode the pain threshold and caused significant discomfort.
The NIRA Skincare Laser device reverses this effect by using non-fractional laser to heat the skin to the point where dermal cells send out Heat Shock Protein Formation (HSP) stimulating your cells to rejuvenate and increase collagen production. NIRA does this just below the pain threshold and well below the point where skin tissue is damaged.
The technique used is the same for both devices, lift and press, however there is no stinging after treatment with the NIRA.
With the Illuminage it involved a treatment time starting at one minute, building up to 10 minutes in the eight week treatment period, combined with the stinging and redness. There was also a shedding of skin cells as the injury caused below the skin comes to the surface, causing roughness, meaning your skin actually gets worse before it gets better. The results at the other side are fantastic, but you have to get there first.
The NIRA Skincare Laser however has no downtime, meaning no redness, no shedding and no pain. Plus, you only need to use it for two minutes per day, one minute per treatment area, such as your eyes or nasolabial lines.
These before and afters speak for themselves...
Get in touch with our experts on to see what NIRA can do for you today.