• CurrentBody Skin LED 手部光療嫩膚儀
  • CurrentBody Skin LED 手部光療嫩膚儀

LED 手部光療嫩膚儀

專業級手部抗衰老 LED 護手器

Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
30 Reviews
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Default Title

  1. CurrentBody Skin LED 手部光療嫩膚儀

  2. 收納袋

  3. 電壓轉接頭

  4. 電源線

  5. 使用手冊

$1,950 $1,950
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      • 70 顆紅光、近紅外光雙軌LED燈泡幫助手部肌膚對抗老化
      • 臨床證實雙軌紅光(633nm)及近紅外光(830nm)能夠幫助膠原蛋白增生
      • 枕型設計能夠確保LED光療全面包覆雙手
      • 緊實肌膚同時撫平細紋、皺紋,淡化斑點、減少色素沉澱
      • 每日10分鐘療程,4週即能看見效果
      • 獲得FDA 認證,適合所有肌膚類型及手大小

      全新升級的CurrentBody Skin LED手部光療嫩膚儀是革命性手部保養先驅



      全新升級的CurrentBody Skin LED手部光療嫩膚儀是革命性手部保養先驅


      在專利的 Pillow Technology™ 的支持下,這些醫療級波長可分散光線以實現最大的 LED 覆蓋範圍,從而增加天然膠原蛋白和彈性蛋白的產生。 紅光和近紅外光可加速細胞更新,淡化細紋和皺紋,同時促進細胞修復新割傷或疤痕。 10 分鐘的 LED 療程來改善您的手部粗糙及老化問題,還你一雙柔嫩雙手!




      步驟一: 洗淨並擦乾您的雙手,確保手部肌膚沒有使用任何防曬乳或保養品。

      步驟二: 將儀器連接電源線,將儀器平放於桌上或平穩的表面。

      步驟三: 將雙手放置於儀器內後享受10分鐘的療程。

      步驟四: 一旦療程結束,請移除電源線,並可使用您喜愛的保養品按摩手部。

      專家建議 療程結束後您的手部肌膚處於最佳狀態,能夠快速吸收保養品。建議立即使用乳液、精華或護手霜等產品,以達到柔嫩手部肌膚。

      可以。 它適合所有皮膚類型和顏色,包括敏感、乾燥、刺激或容易出現瑕疵的皮膚。

      該設備無痛感。 治療期間或治療後不會產生熱量,因此不會感到炎熱或不舒服。

      在進行第一次治療之前,您必須進行敏感性測試。 請按照下面的逐步指南進行操作;

      1. 開啟您的裝置。

      2. 打開控制器並讓設備運行完整的 10 分鐘治療程序。 10分鐘後設備將自動關閉。

      3. 任何時候,如果您的皮膚感覺熱或不舒服,請立即停止使用該設備。

      4. 治療後等待至少 6 小時。 如果皮膚出現紅色和/或發癢,則該設備不適合您。

      5. 在 14 天內將設備退回 CurrentBody 即可獲得全額退款。

      功率密度: 30mW/cm2 (830nm)、30mW/cm2 (633nm)

      輻照度: 18 j/ cm2< /p>

      功率輸出: 5W

      LED 尺寸: 5.5mm

      電源供應器: < /strong> 有線

      請勿使用本設備治療除使用說明中列出的病症之外的任何其他病症。 本設備尚未針對所列條件以外的任何其他條件進行過測試,風險未知。
      如果您懷孕、計劃懷孕或哺乳,請勿使用此設備。 該設備尚未在孕婦或哺乳期婦女身上進行過測試,因此對胎兒、新生兒或孕婦的風險尚不清楚。
      如果您患有紅斑狼瘡、光敏性濕疹或白化病,請勿使用該設備。 如果您使用此設備系統來治療紅斑性狼瘡、光敏性濕疹或白化病,您可能會引起嚴重的皮膚反應。
      如果您患有任何光敏性疾病(對光過敏),請勿使用此設備。 如果您使用此設備並且患有光敏障礙,則可能會引起嚴重的皮膚反應。
      如果您正在服用任何可能導致光敏性的藥物,請勿使用此設備。 如果您使用此設備並且正在服用任何可能導致光敏感性的藥物,則可能會導致嚴重的皮膚反應。 光敏性是各種藥物的常見副作用。 這些藥物包括某些抗生素、化療藥物和利尿劑。 如果您不確定您可能正在服用的任何藥物,請諮詢您的醫療保健提供者。 上面未列出的其他物質也會造成光敏性。 這些物質的常見例子有聖約翰草、煤焦油、除臭劑、抗菌肥皂、人造甜味劑、萘(樟腦丸)、石油產品、洗衣粉中的增白劑和硫化鎘(紋身過程中註入皮膚的化學物質)。



      Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
      Based on 30 reviews
      Total 5 star reviews: 23 Total 4 star reviews: 7 Total 3 star reviews: 0 Total 2 star reviews: 0 Total 1 star reviews: 0
      100%would recommend this product
      QualityRated 4.6 on a scale of 1 to 5
      ResultsRated 4.6 on a scale of 1 to 5
      Ease of UseRated 4.7 on a scale of 1 to 5
      30 reviews
      • Chan P.
        Flag of Hong Kong
        Verified Buyer
        I recommend this product
        Age Range 55 - 64
        Gender Female
        Skin Concerns Wrinkles, Fine Lines, Hair Loss, Hair Thinning, Skin Texture
        Treatment Areas Face, Eyes, Hands, Hair, Neck
        Rated 5 out of 5 stars
        1 year ago
        Easy to use and feel effective

        Easy to use and feel effective

        QualityRated 4.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        ResultsRated 4.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        Ease of UseRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
      • Ailsa K.
        Verified Buyer
        I recommend this product
        Rated 4 out of 5 stars
        1 year ago
        Hand Therapy

        I am really enjoying using the hand perfector. I don't think I have used it long enough to give a complete review but I am happy I puchased. One star knocked off for the uncomforatable plastic that you rest your hands on.

        QualityRated 4.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        ResultsRated 4.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        Ease of UseRated 3.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
      • KB
        Verified Buyer
        I recommend this product
        Rated 5 out of 5 stars
        1 year ago
        So far so good!

        Has really made a difference to the look texture & surface of my dry hands. Skin colour & texture is more even & brown spots have faded considerably. I have been using the green tea serum as well. I Would highly recommend although i agree with a previous comment regarding the design. It could do with some support for the wrists.

        QualityRated 4.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        ResultsRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        Ease of UseRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
      • Emily S.
        Flag of United Kingdom
        Verified Reviewer
        I recommend this product
        Age Range 25 - 34
        Gender Female
        Rated 5 out of 5 stars
        1 year ago
        It makes your hands a lot smoother

        I use this hand perfector every two days, and after two weeks, I feel my hands softer and smoother. It is very convenient to use at home, very light, so you can put it on your legs and watch TV, it will auto turn off after 10 min. But you have to connect it to power while using it.

        QualityRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        ResultsRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        Ease of UseRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
      • Eloïse
        Verified Buyer
        I recommend this product
        Rated 5 out of 5 stars
        1 year ago

        Very happy with this purchase. Practical to use, hygienic as there is no contact with the LEDs, fast, and easy to store in its box. The whole family has been using it for 6 weeks with very good results: the skin is more supple, clearer, fine lines are fading and dark spots seem to be lightening. The device is effective at any age. The icing on the cake, thanks to this device my pain in my hand has improved a lot.

        Translated from French
        QualityRated 4.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        ResultsRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        Ease of UseRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
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