• CurrentBody Wellness Leg Recovery Compression Boots
  • CurrentBody Wellness Leg Recovery Compression Boots
  • CurrentBody Wellness Leg Recovery Compression Boots
  • CurrentBody Wellness Leg Recovery Compression Boots

Leg Recovery Compression Boots

Compression boots to support muscle recovery and increase lymphatic drainage

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CurrentBody Wellness Recovery Boots - Small/Medium

  1. CurrentBody Wellness Recovery Boots (S-M)

  2. User Manual

  3. Battery Pack x 2

  4. Charging Cable x 2

  5. Battery Pack Bag

  6. Boots Bag x 2

  7. Travel Bag

  8. Bag Strap

CurrentBody Wellness Recovery Boots - Medium/Large

  1. CurrentBody Wellness Recovery Boots (M-L)

  2. User Manual

  3. Battery Pack x 2

  4. Charging Cable x 2

  5. Battery Pack Bag

  6. Boots Bag x 2

  7. Travel Bag

  8. Bag Strap

$6,209 $6,209
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      • Improve blood circulation, muscle repair and lymphatic drainage with air compression technology
      • Supports leg health, reduces muscle soreness and helps with post-workout recovery
      • 5 treatment modes
      • Wireless portable design

      Benefits of Compression Recovery Boots

      Improve circulation and muscle recovery with air compression technology. The CurrentBody Wellness Compression Boots boost the flow of oxygen-rich blood while flushing out toxins, for better muscle repair and less discomfort after exercise.

      The compression recovery boots mimic a lymphatic drainage massage by applying rhythmic pressure, encouraging blood flow and improving circulation, to reduce swelling and water retention.

      Benefits of Compression Recovery Boots

      Cordless Compression At Home

      The boots feature a wireless design and 5 effective treatment modes to support long-term leg health:

      Treatment Mode 1: Reduces muscle fatigue and tension. 
      Treatment Mode 2: Prepares muscles for activity.
      Treatment Mode 3: Targets and relieves muscle soreness post-workout. 
      Treatment Mode 4: Soothes soreness and supports post-workout recovery.
      Treatment Mode 5: Stimulates circulation and promotes lymphatic drainage.

      Cordless Compression At Home




      1. 取出按摩儀:從收納袋中取出按摩儀,並將它們平放。
      2. 放置按摩儀:將按摩儀對稱地放在相應的腿部位置。確保控制器位於腿部外側。
      3. 連接電池組:按照電池安裝說明將電池組連接到按摩儀上。
      4. 選擇舒適的位置:坐下或躺下,選擇舒適且放鬆的姿勢進行護理。
      5. 配對控制單元(如有需要):如果控制單元未自動配對,請按照配對程序手動配對。配對成功後,圖標會亮起。


      1. 開機:長按兩個控制器上的開/關按鈕,直到螢幕亮起。
      2. 選擇護理模式:按下模式按鈕,選擇您想要的護理模式。
      3. 調節壓力:按下壓力按鈕調整壓力值,從默認設置開始,逐漸增加。裝置在調整期間將暫停 10 秒。
      4. 設置護理時間:使用時間按鈕設置護理持續時間(15 - 60 分鐘)。
      5. 開始護理:按下開/關按鈕開始護理。護理結束後,裝置將自動關閉。
      6. 提前結束護理:長按開/關按鈕,裝置將很快開始放氣。
      7. 關機:護理結束後,螢幕將顯示 MENU 頁面。關機長按開/關按鈕,或按下按鈕 2 秒跳過放氣並立即關機。

      12 歲以下:不適合使用。
      12 至 18 歲:需在醫療專業人員監督下使用。
      18 歲以上:如未有特殊情況,可無需在醫療監督下使用。
      60 歲以上:適合下肢血液循環有問題者,但需根據個人健康狀況進行安全評估。

      對於大多數健康的成年人來說,每週使用 3 至 7 次是安全的。不過,應根據個人的恢復需求和耐受程度來調整使用頻率,以達到最佳效果。


      若需立刻放氣,滑動任一控制單元側面的Emergency Pressure Relief滑塊,或按下STOP按鈕以快速釋放壓力。

      請使用帶有 USB-A 接口的充電器或移動電源。


      按摩儀由 TPU 材質製成。使用濕布和溫和的清潔劑(最高溫度 40°C)進行清潔,避免液體進入控制器。每 3 個月使用濕布清潔控制器,並定期檢查所有配件。






      If you experience inflammation, infection, unexplained pain, or
      bleeding (internal or external) at or near the application site, or
      have wounds, ulcers, or pressure sores at or near the application
      site, do not use this product.
      Do not use this product under the following circumstances
      or if you suffer from any of the following medical conditions:
      • Users with pulmonary insufficiency or pulmonary edema;
      • Users with serious heart conditions, cardiac insufficiency,
      labile hypertension, or have electronic devices (e.g.,
      pacemaker) implanted;
      • Users with or suspected of having deep vein thrombosis (DVT),
      venous cancer, thrombophlebitis (which can cause vessel
      occlusion), acute vein thrombosis, or thrombosis of any type;
      • Users with severe inflammation or severe infection of limbs
      that are not effectively controlled;
      • Users with severe coagulation disorder;
      • Acute inflammatory dermatosis or extensive ulcerative rashes;
      • Severe arteriosclerosis, arterial insufficiency, or other vascular
      • Children and pregnant women;
      • Edema in patients with renal insufficiency;
      • Recently received skin grafting;
      • Special deformity of limbs;
      • Acute pulmonary edema;
      • Acute thrombophlebitis;
      • Acute infection;
      • Acute congestive heart failure;
      • Onset of pulmonary embolism;
      • Neoplastic diseases;
      • Wounds, lesions, or tumors at or near the application site;
      • Fracture or dislocation at or near the application site;
      • Severe pain or numbness in the limbs;
      • Users with built-in artificial materials in the massage area (e.g.,
      artificial joints, metal, or silicone).
      • DO NOT use this product on sensitive or numb body parts. Do
      not use this product in cases of poor blood circulation.
      • DO NOT use this product on swollen or inflamed areas and
      skin with rashes.
      • DO NOT use this product if you experience unexplained pain
      in your legs.
      • DO NOT use this product on people who are unconscious,
      incapacitated, or unable to provide feedback on pressure.
      • This product is intended for healthy adults only. It uses
      gradient pressure to massage your limbs for recovery after
      • Use this product on legs only.




