• Dermalux Flex MD LED 專業光療美容儀
  • Dermalux Flex MD LED 專業光療美容儀
  • Dermalux Flex MD LED 專業光療美容儀
  • Dermalux Flex MD LED 專業光療美容儀
  • Dermalux Flex MD LED 專業光療美容儀
  • Dermalux Flex MD LED 專業光療美容儀

Dermalux Flex MD LED 專業光療美容儀


Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
286 Reviews
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Dermalux Flex MD LED 設備

  1. Dermalux Flex MD 基座單元

  2. Dermalux Flex MD 控制器

  3. 柔性LED天篷

  4. 電源(附1.5m引線)

  5. 使用者手冊

  6. 風鏡

  7. 治療枕頭(可能與圖片不同)

  8. 旅行包

Flex MD 和紅外線桑拿套件

  1. Dermalux Flex MD(標準含量)

  2. CurrentBody Skin 紅外線桑拿毯(包括:毛巾墊、舒適枕頭、控制器(電源)、收納袋、使用手冊

  3. 點擊此處了解有關紅外線桑拿毯的更多信息

Dermalux 特殊 LED 套件

  1. Dermalux Flex MD(標準內容)

  2. CurrentBody Skin 水凝膠面膜(5 片裝)

  3. CurrentBody 綠茶精華 (30ml)

$24,940 $24,940
|百分比|% 折扣!顯示的價格包含與購物籃中的商品一起購買時的 --% 折扣。
  • 我們接受:
  • Generic

    Delivery Methods


      • 屢獲殊榮的專業光療美容儀受到全球護膚專業人士的信賴
      • 3 種經過臨床驗證的 LED光療波長:藍色 (415 nm)、紅色 (633 nm) 和近紅外線 (830 nm),可減少老化、發紅和色素沉著的明顯跡象
      • 經醫學 CE 認證,可治療痤瘡、牛皮癬、傷口癒合和緩解疼痛(肌肉骨骼)
      • 多功能設計經 FDA 審核可用於臉部和身體
      • 360 個優質 LED 光療燈泡分散波長,最大範圍地覆蓋皮膚
      • 設有底座可固定靈活的 LED 光療面板,用作最佳的臉部定位療程

      Dermalux Flex MD 使用前後


      • Before After Before


        「早在 2022 年 7 月就為了治療牛皮癬而購買了這款產品。老實說,它讓我的皮膚發生了難以置信的改變,因為我已經患有頑固牛皮癬超過 15 年了。 比任何乳霜、乳液或藥水都要好得多。 今年夏天我第一次可以在公共場合購買並穿著短褲和T卹! 我會100% 再次購買它。」

        Niall S,英國 CurrentBody 驗證買家

      • Before After Before


        「我很高興,它不僅讓我的皮膚變得無粉刺、感覺每天都更緊緻,而且我還得到了 30 分鐘的時間來放鬆和聽音樂! 我很著迷。」

        Nina,英國 CurrentBody 驗證買家

      • Before After Before


        「這款 Dermalux Flex MD 正如其所言。 我每週使用它 3 次,使用這個已經幾個月了,我可以看到我的臉部皮膚有了很大的改善。 玫瑰痤瘡後皺紋減少,不再發炎。 而且,在認真治療後(例如雷射治療)它也有很大幫助,因為它可以幫助您的皮膚更快地癒合。」

        Kristina B,英國 CurrentBody 驗證買家

      • Before After Before


        “這是一個很棒的產品! 我的皮膚看起來煥然一新,曬斑消失了,毛孔也縮小了。 我甚至注意到我的頸紋正在消失。」

        Cara,英國 CurrentBody 驗證買家

      • Before After Before


        「這對我的玫瑰痤瘡很有幫助。 大約 5 週後,我的皮膚真正開始平靜下來,斑點不再出現,紅色區域開始消失。 我幾乎每天都使用它,我對結果非常滿意。”

        Claire P,英國 CurrentBody 驗證買家

      最佳家用光療 LED 臉部護理

      Dermalux 是 LED 光療領域上首屈一指,以其專為美容診所和家用設計的專業技術而聞名。 他們屢獲殊榮的Dermalux 美容儀器經過臨床驗證和認證,可用於治療醫療和美容狀況,提供精確且有科學依據的LED 光療波長,以促進皮膚健康和再生。

      Dermalux Flex MD LED 專業光療美容儀使用相同的Dermalux 技術受到全球 10,000 多名護膚專業人士的信賴,可達到醫學認可的效果。 如果您想要美容診所級光療效果,請使用 FDA 認證的 Dermalux Flex MD LED 專業光療美容儀作為升級您的家用 LED 光療療程.

      最佳家用光療 LED 臉部護理

      使用Dermalux 效果更佳

      因LED 光療是多功能性和對所有皮膚類型的健康產生有效作用而被認為是一種重要的皮膚護理方法。 不同波長對於LED 光療治療的有效程度至關重要,它能夠決定吸收光能的效率。

      Dermalux Flex MD 使用3 種經過臨床驗證的精確波長— 藍色(415nm)、紅色( 415nm) 633nm)和近紅外線(830nm),以確保目標細胞使用最大程度地吸收光,以獲得最佳結果。 透過360 個優質LED 燈泡均勻分佈範圍,確保最大程度地覆蓋臉部和身體的皮膚。

      使用Dermalux 效果更佳

      哪些一線明星使用 Dermalux Flex MD?




      第 1 步:清潔皮膚並拍乾。

      第 2 步:將 Dermalux Flex MD 放在平坦、穩定的表面上,然後插入電源.< /p>

      第 3 步: 將LED 面板滑入底座(用於臉部),然後連接控制器。

      第4 步:打開電源並選擇治療波長。

      第5 步:按下開始按鈕,將護目鏡固定在眼睛上,然後舒適地進行30 分鐘的LED 療程。

      第6 步:完成後,安全存放並繼續您的護膚程序。

      觀看如何使用Dermalux Flex MD LED 專業光療美容儀影片

      Dermalux Flex MD LED 專業光療美容儀 100% 無痛。

      Dermalux Flex MD 面板中有 360 個優質 LED 燈泡。



      建議距離皮膚 25 毫米。

      建議客戶在用 Dermalux Flex MD LED 專業光療美容儀和任何LED 治療期間佩戴隨附的護目鏡。

      波長:(+/- 2nm)415nm、633nm、830nm

      分類:級別IIA 類醫療器材

      治療時間:1 至 30 分鐘

      < p>強度:5 至27mW

      基本單位的設備尺寸:寬520 毫米x 深320 毫米x 高300 毫米

      LED 陣列尺寸:寬280 毫米x 深790 毫米x高30 毫米



      除了在文中列出的病症,請勿使用本設備治療的任何其他病症。 該設備尚未針對所列條件以外的任何其他條件進行過測試,風險未知。

      如果您懷孕、計劃懷孕或哺乳,請勿使用此設備。 該設備尚未在孕婦或哺乳期婦女身上進行過測試,因此對胎兒、新生兒或孕婦的風險尚不清楚。

      如果您患有紅斑狼瘡、光敏性濕疹或白化病。 如果您使用此設備系統來治療紅斑性狼瘡、光敏性濕疹或白化病,您可能會引起嚴重的皮膚反應。

      如果您患有任何光敏性疾病(對光過敏),請勿使用此設備。 如果您使用此設備並且患有光敏障礙,則可能會引起嚴重的皮膚反應。



      如果您正在服用任何可能導致光敏性的藥物,請勿使用該設備。 如果您使用此設備並且正在服用任何可能導致光敏感性的藥物,則可能會導致嚴重的皮膚反應。 光敏性是各種藥物的常見副作用。 這些藥物包括某些抗生素、化療藥物和利尿劑。 如果您不確定您可能正在服用的任何藥物,請諮詢您的醫療保健提供者。 上面未列出的其他物質也會造成光敏性。 這些物質的常見例子有聖約翰草、煤焦油、除臭劑、抗菌肥皂、人造甜味劑、萘(樟腦丸)、石油產品、洗衣粉中的增白劑和硫化鎘(紋身過程中註入皮膚的化學物質)等。




      Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
      Based on 286 reviews
      Total 5 star reviews: 258 Total 4 star reviews: 22 Total 3 star reviews: 5 Total 2 star reviews: 0 Total 1 star reviews: 1
      99%would recommend this product
      QualityRated 4.8 on a scale of 1 to 5
      ResultsRated 4.7 on a scale of 1 to 5
      Ease of UseRated 4.8 on a scale of 1 to 5
      286 reviews
      • jane g.
        Verified Buyer
        I do not recommend this product
        Rated 3 out of 5 stars
        1 month ago
        honest real review

        I bought this device in November 22 so this is an honest and real review. I used it a lot to begin with. Almost every night for a good few months. Regular use after that. What it does - gives your skin a good glow; what I'm not convinced it does - clear pigmentation, lessen fine lines and wrinkles, or heal skin. After a year some of the lights stopped working so I was sent a replacement device. Then 4 days out of my original 2 year warranty it stopped working. I was sent a replacement plug which was obviously the issue. This makes me doubt the quality of manufacture. Also, as many other reviewers have said, the power cable to far too short whereas the controller cable is long, doesn't make sense. I hope that the second device I have been sent has longevity and I hope that the benefits they claim you get are real even if they may not be that noticeable. But as I said earlier the glow you get is great. I also hope this review gets published as I wrote one before and it didn't.

        QualityRated 3.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        ResultsRated 3.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        Ease of UseRated 4.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
      • Charlie W.
        Flag of United Kingdom
        Verified Buyer
        I recommend this product
        Age Range 45 - 54
        Gender Male
        Rated 5 out of 5 stars
        1 month ago
        Best investment in my myself. Ever.

        I bought the Dermalux flex around 18 months ago, so my review is based on solid consistent use in that time.

        After I saw a picture of myself looking haggard, I thought that I needed to do something! I’m a 50 year old male, Chinese origin with great genes, so I look younger than my peers. But even I could notice time catching up!

        Having heard about the benefits of LED skin treatments, I did a lot of research and Dermalux came out on top in terms of being a certified Medical Device by the Food & Drug Administration of the US and being THE most powerful LED machine for home use on the market.

        Being a medical device means it has to pass all sorts of tests to be FDA certified.

        To get an in depth review go and google We Are Body Beautiful. This review convinced me to buy!

        It’s by far THE best investment I have made for myself by far. Yes it’s expensive, but so worth the money and it’ll save you money on salon treatments and make a return on investment in no time.

        My facial skin is smoother, firmer and blemish free from consistent use. I get compliments all the time about how great my skin looks. Indeed at one point colleagues at work thought I was wearing male make up, so smooth is my skin.

        It really came into its own when I had a scar on my chin from minor small surgery. After around 6 months, the scar has virtually disappeared. The doctor said scarring was inevitable. But thanks to this machine it’s gone.

        I also lent my Dermalux Flex to a friend and he said it was…

        QualityRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        ResultsRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        Ease of UseRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
      • Shirley
        Verified Buyer
        I recommend this product
        Rated 5 out of 5 stars
        3 months ago
        Definite improvement

        I have had the dermaluxe flex for a while now but only used it sporadically due to busy life. However I’ve been taking time off work to have chemo and have used 5 times a week. My skin is soft and looks plumper. I do suffer from rosacea but the breakouts are getting further apart. An added bonus (I think) is that it has speeded up my hair growth having had to have the clippers on no 3 due to chemo hair loss.

        QualityRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        ResultsRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        Ease of UseRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
      • Julia V.
        Verified Buyer
        I recommend this product
        Rated 5 out of 5 stars
        3 months ago
        Noticeable difference

        The best led light I’ve tried yet!

      • S. L.
        Verified Buyer
        I recommend this product
        Rated 5 out of 5 stars
        4 months ago
        Great investment

        I have also the facemask, this device is much stronger, I find my age spots have become less visible. For so far I had to be carefull to take some rest using it, as my skin at my forehead is drying out. I never had this before, putting the hyaluronic acid helps but it still comes back.

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