• ZIIP HALO 納米微電流緊膚儀
  • ZIIP HALO 納米微電流緊膚儀
  • ZIIP HALO 納米微電流緊膚儀
  • ZIIP HALO 納米微電流緊膚儀
  • ZIIP HALO 納米微電流緊膚儀
  • ZIIP HALO 納米微電流緊膚儀
  • ZIIP HALO 納米微電流緊膚儀
  • ZIIP HALO 納米微電流緊膚儀
  • ZIIP HALO 納米微電流緊膚儀
  • ZIIP HALO 納米微電流緊膚儀
  • ZIIP HALO 納米微電流緊膚儀
  • ZIIP HALO 納米微電流緊膚儀
  • ZIIP HALO 納米微電流緊膚儀
  • ZIIP HALO 納米微電流緊膚儀

HALO 納米微電流緊膚儀


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ZIIP HALO Facial Toning Device

  1. ZIIP HALO 納米微電流緊膚儀

  2. 電動復合凝膠(50ml)

  3. USB-C 充電線

  4. 用戶指南

ZIIP HALO Complete Gift Set

  1. ZIIP HALO 納米微電流緊膚儀

  2. 電動復合凝膠(50ml)

  3. 黃金抗老導入凝膠 (80ml)

  4. 銀色保濕導入凝膠 (80ml)

  5. 水晶導入凝膠 (80ml)

  6. USB-C 充電線

  7. 用戶指南

ZIIP HALO & Silver Gel Kit

  1. ZIIP HALO 納米微電流緊膚儀

  2. 電動復合凝膠(50ml)

  3. USB-C 充電線

  4. 用戶指南

  5. + 銀色保濕導入凝膠 (80ml) x2

ZIIP HALO & Golden Gel Kit

  1. ZIIP HALO 納米微電流緊膚儀

  2. 電動復合凝膠(50ml)

  3. USB-C 充電線

  4. 用戶指南

  5. + 黃金抗老導入凝膠 (80ml) x2

$3,799 $3,799
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      • 獨特的納米微電流和微電流臉部裝置,讓肌膚煥發年輕光彩
      • 世界上唯一家用臨床級納米微電流美容儀,可立即和長期嫩膚
      • 獨家雙波形技術提供納米微電流和微電流治療的獨特組合
      • 刺激膠原蛋白和彈性蛋白,同時強化和塑造臉部肌肉
      • 無需應用程式即可啟動 4 分鐘「THE LIFT」電動美容臉部護理
      • 與 4 至 8 泵的 ZIIP Electric Complex Gel 配對
      • 每週使用 3 至 5 次,讓膚色更年輕、更清新、更有光澤
      • CurrentBody 是 ZIIP 的獨家零售商



      Research conducted by SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Branch (November 2023)

      NO: HZCPCHE23000148_EN

      DATE: NOV. 01, 2023

      31 subjects, men and women aged between 35 and 55 were assessed for the rate of improvement in terms of skin elasticity, skin firmness, skin gloss, skin evenness, degree of pigmentation and degree of wrinkles when they used the device over 42 days.

      Using serval assessments, including clinical assessment and a questionnaire, tested parameters such as skin elasticity, firmness and glossiness.

      Test Period:

      Before application (D0), Immediately after application (D0Timm), 7 days after application (D7), 21 days after application (D21), 42 days after application (D42)

      Test Parameters:

      1. Image taken with VISIA CR. Analyze the skin evenness, and skin tone by IPP.
      2. Image taken with Primos CR and analysed skin wrinkles.
      3. The skin gloss is determined by the Glossymeter® GL200.
      4. Measurement of skin elasticity and skin firmness with Cutometer® dual MPA580.
      5. Expert assessment.
      6. Self-assessed.

      The test results showed that the ZIIP HALO had firming, anti-wrinkle, spot-removing and whitening efficacy.

      • Boosts Collagen Boosts Collagen
      • Brightens Brightens
      • Lifts Lifts
      • Sculpts Sculpts
      • Waveform Waveform



      • Before After Before


        「自從使用ZIIP HALO 以來,我的皮膚得到了很多讚美。它提供的即時提升效果是無與倫比的!它真的很容易使用,可以解決我所有的皮膚問題!」

        Sarah,英國 CurrentBody 驗證買家

      • Before After Before



        Helen,英國 CurrentBody 驗證買家

      • Before After Before



        Issy, 英國 CurrentBody 驗證買家


      ZIIP HALO 採用雙波形技術™,透過不同頻率的納米微電流波和微電流波,為您帶來立即又持久的效果。



      隨著年齡增長,膠原蛋白流失,令面部肌膚逐漸鬆弛下垂。ZIIP 獨特的雙波形技術的效果,該技術將微電流與微小的納米微電流波形配對,帶來強大的年輕效果。

      微電流是您在臉部護理過程中可以感受到的電波,可提供即時效果持續 72 小時:臉部輪廓更清晰、淡化細紋、促進膠原蛋白。納米微電流是 ZIIP 結果如此持久的原因。 納米微電流利用微小的電波長在細胞層面上與人體的自然電流同步,使皮膚看起來更年輕。 減少細紋和皺紋,淡化疤痕,均勻膚色,令皮膚更年輕化。


      The A-lister's favourite device




      步驟 1:將ZIIP導入凝膠(按壓4到8次)均勻塗抹在清潔完且擦乾的肌膚上。

      步驟 2:打開您的裝置。

      步驟 3:進行內建『極致提拉』療程,可直接將兩個金屬接觸頭都與肌膚完整貼合,即可開始療程,療程結束將會自動關閉;或者連接至 ZIIP Beauty 手機應用程式選擇您所需要的療程以進行客製化臉部護理。

      步驟 4:當您完成臉部護理後,將設備擦拭乾淨,然後放回所提供的收納袋中。

      步驟 5:將臉部多餘的凝膠清洗乾淨,再繼續進行您的日常保養。

      TIP: *貼心提醒:在使用設備之前,您必須進行一次肌膚敏感度測試(請參閱其他資訊)。

      為了獲得最佳效果,我們建議每週使用 ZIIP HALO 3 至 5 次,在遵循短期治療計劃時每週最多使用 6 次。

      ZIIP Gels 是輕盈且高導電性的凝膠,專為微電流和納米微電流面部護理設計。集合 ZIIP 所有核心凝膠配方的 Electric Complex Gel 是一款溫和但效果強大的導電凝膠,適合所有膚質每天使用。

      Golden Gel 是一款促進膠原蛋白生成的導電凝膠,能讓 ZIIP 的雙波長技術更好地滲透肌膚,同時為肌膚提供額外的活性成分營養。

      若需要極致保濕效果,可在 ZIIP 護理後將 Silver Gel 作為面膜敷於臉上,持續 20 分鐘。若想擁有光澤透亮的玻璃肌膚,可用相同方式使用 Crystal Gel。

      在清潔並乾燥的肌膚上塗抹 4 至 8 泵凝膠,充分發揮其效果。

      ZIIP App 讓您在家即可享受專業護理。這款應用程序由 ZIIP 團隊內部開發,結合了超過 1000 萬次電流面部護理的反饋意見,以及聯合創始人 Melanie Simon 20 年的專業經驗。

      現在,您可以下載此應用程序,無限次使用 ZIIP 的雙波長技術,體驗如同沙龍般的終極面部護理和療程。

      您可以一鍵輕鬆選擇 7 種全方位的完整面部護理療程,每種療程針對不同需求或預期效果護理全臉,時間介於 4 至 12 分鐘不等。

      或選擇任意 6 種針對特定部位的療程,這些快速療程僅需 2 至 3 分鐘,專注於面部某個部位或擁有特定作用。

      在特別場合時,我們建議您選擇由 Melanie Simon 精心設計的 3 個長期療程計劃之一。

      立即在 AndroidIOS 上下載 ZIIP App。

      我們建議在接受注射劑或雷射手術後等待 10 天,然後再使用 ZIIP HALO。如有其他問題,請諮詢您的醫生。

      可以! 無論您身在何處,ZIIP 都可提供「THE LIFT」——每個 ZIIP HALO 中都預先編程的頂尖的 4 分鐘面部護理。 它不需要連接應用程序,這意味著從接觸皮膚的那一刻起模式就正式開始。 或可連接到 ZIIP 應用程式以獲得全面指導的影片教程,根據您的皮膚目標選擇不同頻率和強度的其他治療。





      從 currentbody.com 購買時,我們針對製造相關問題提供 2 年保養。保養從原始訂單下達之日起有效,並且不會因更換儀器而更新。


      充電時,將 USB-A to USB-C 充電線插入 USB 電源適配器(未隨附),然後將另一端插入您的 ZIIP HALO 設備。(請勿在充電時使用設備。)


      充電期間,環帶會發出橙色光。設備充滿電約需 4 小時。充電完成後,橙色指示燈將熄滅。

      很遺憾不行。ZIIP HALO 配有專用的 USB-A to USB-C 充電線,其他類型的充電線並不兼容。如果遺失充電線,您可以在任何電子零售店購買替代品。

      ZIIP HALO 不支援 Apple 適配器、Apple 線材以及 PD(快速充電)/Lightning 適配器,因為這些可能會輸出過高的電力至 ZIIP。

      請檢查並確保您的適配器或充電器具備標準 5V 輸出,且未使用任何快速充電技術。

      ZIIP HALO 不應由18 歲以下、孕婦、癲癇患者(包括疑似或診斷為癲癇症)、患有癌症/腫瘤、擁有植入式除顫器/刺激器的心臟起搏器或擁有電子設備的人士使用植入設備。







      Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
      Based on 535 reviews
      Total 5 star reviews: 472 Total 4 star reviews: 59 Total 3 star reviews: 1 Total 2 star reviews: 1 Total 1 star reviews: 2
      99%would recommend this product
      QualityRated 4.8 on a scale of 1 to 5
      ResultsRated 4.6 on a scale of 1 to 5
      Ease of UseRated 4.9 on a scale of 1 to 5
      535 reviews
      • Annie B.
        Flag of Canada
        Verified Buyer
        I recommend this product
        Age Range 45 - 54
        Gender Female
        Skin Concerns Skin Texture, Fine Lines
        Treatment Areas Face
        Rated 5 out of 5 stars
        Zip Halo

        Very nice discovery. I love it! Visible results. I am very satisfied!

        Translated from French
        QualityRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        ResultsRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        Ease of UseRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
      • Cate
        Verified Buyer
        I recommend this product
        Rated 5 out of 5 stars
        2 weeks ago
        Great Device

        I have been using this device 3 times per week for about 3 months now and particularly like Electric Tone with the crystal gel as it has faded to almost gone, my age sun spots that chemical treatment serums have stopped having an effect on. I am 70 and constantly get remarks about how amazing my skin looks. My skin has definitely improved and looks plump and more even. Highly recommend the Ziip Halo.

        QualityRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        ResultsRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        Ease of UseRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
      • Anja van S.
        Flag of Netherlands
        Verified Buyer
        I recommend this product
        Age Range 65+
        Gender Female
        Skin Concerns Fine Lines, Scarring, Sagging Skin, Skin Texture
        Treatment Areas Face
        Rated 5 out of 5 stars
        2 weeks ago

        It took some getting used to but lovely! Now, after 3 weeks, the idea that the fine lines are fewer and my skin looks better

        Translated from Dutch
        QualityRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        ResultsRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        Ease of UseRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
      • Debbie W.
        Verified Buyer
        I recommend this product
        Rated 5 out of 5 stars
        3 weeks ago
        Definition back to jawline

        This is quick and easy to use and has made a difference to my jawline. Jowls much improved. Small and effective will be taking with me on my travels.

      • Wanda B.
        Flag of Netherlands
        Verified Buyer
        I recommend this product
        Age Range 55 - 64
        Gender Female
        Skin Concerns Sagging Skin, Skin Texture
        Treatment Areas Face, Neck
        Rated 5 out of 5 stars
        3 weeks ago
        I can't believe it, but it works.

        I got the Ziip Halo for my birthday at the end of November and have been using it every other day ever since, with the standard four-minute routine 'the lift'. My focus is mainly on my jawline, which, after 55 years of bravely holding out, is now losing ground in the fight against gravity:) And it's amazing, but my treatments with the Zipp Halo seem to be really working. The downward crease is really less and my skin is starting to feel firmer and more resilient, and looks healthier and smoother. Like I'm turning back time a little bit. So this is the result after four weeks, I am very curious how it will develop further. I was a bit afraid that it would be another device that would lie in a closet dusting after a week (I know myself a little bit) but because I really make a difference, I don't see a hard time at all. At least I'm excited about it for now!

        Translated from Dutch
        QualityRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        ResultsRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        Ease of UseRated 4.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
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