• CurrentBody Skin LED光療生髮帽
  • CurrentBody Skin LED光療生髮帽
  • CurrentBody Skin LED光療生髮帽
  • CurrentBody Skin LED光療生髮帽
  • CurrentBody Skin LED光療生髮帽
  • CurrentBody Skin LED光療生髮帽
  • CurrentBody Skin LED光療生髮帽
  • CurrentBody Skin LED光療生髮帽
  • CurrentBody Skin LED光療生髮帽



Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
56 Reviews
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中 (54 厘米 - 58.7 厘米)

  1. 光療生髮帽

  2. 保護性非充電底座

  3. USB充電線(無主插頭)

  4. 用戶手冊

細 (59.7 厘米 - 63.5 厘米)

  1. 光療生髮帽

  2. 保護性非充電底座

  3. USB充電線(無主插頭)

  4. 用戶手冊

$6,390 $6,390
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      • 《Men's Health》評選為「最佳生髮設備」第一名
      • 經臨床證實,比單獨使用局部、激光和補充治療增加126%的生髮量
      • 採用天然的細胞LED光療法治療,用於增加頭髮厚度和促進新髮生長
      • 刺激血液流動,將氧氣和必要營養物質送到毛囊
      • 120顆LED燈泡提供18 J/cm²的精確紅光波長(640納米)
      • 每天使用10分鐘,在16週內可見效果
      • 獲得FDA認可,可全面覆蓋頭部
      • 四個月退款保證 不完全滿意? 了解更多



      Clinical Safety and Efficacy of an At Home, Dual Wavelength Red Light Hair Growth System in Subjects with Androgenetic Alopecia. (Sinclair, 2020)

      81 subjects were paired with a Bluetooth-connected mobile app (LED system) or a sham comparator device with a similar user experience through the mobile app to track daily treatment compliance between both groups. Device usage was fixed at once daily, 10-minute treatment durations for a period of 26 weeks. The trial population consisted of adult men and women between 18 and 65 years of age with a diagnosis of androgenetic alopecia, consistent with males who have Norwood Hamilton Classification IIa to V patterns of hair loss and females who have Ludwig-Savin Scale I-1 to I-4, II -1, II-2 or frontal.

      Summary: After 16 weeks, subjects that were treated with the dual wavelength red light device and were at least 80% compliant (n=18) had a mean change of 26.3 more hairs per cm² compared to those participants who wore a sham cap, identical in appearance but received no light therapy (n=18).


      (640nm) LED versus:

      Laser Hair Growth Device - (Jimenez et al.) Efficacy and Safety of a Low-level Laser Device in the Treatment of Male and Female Pattern Hair Loss: A Multicenter, Randomized, Sham Device-controlled, Double-blind Study. American Journal of Clinical Dermatology 2014. PubMed Reference.

      Topical Solution: (Olsen et al.) A multicenter, randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial of a novel formulation of 5% topical solution versus placebo in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia in men. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2007. PubMed Reference.

      Finasteride: (Leyden et al.) Finasteride in the treatment of men with frontal male pattern hair loss. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 1999. PubMed Reference.




      NO.: CRS-2023-157-ZH-01-1EN

      DATE: SEP. 18, 2023




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        YJ,英國 CurrentBody 驗證買家

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        Anne W,英國 CurrentBody 驗證買家

      • Before After Before


        「我發現它真的很容易使用,每天只需 10 分鐘即可遵循常規。我看到了一些好的效果,特別是在我的頭頂/頭頂!」

        Amy,英國 CurrentBody 驗證買家

      • Before After Before



        Ella,英國 CurrentBody 驗證買家



      CurrentBody Skin LED光療生髮帽使用經臨床證實的紅光(640 奈米)波長增加血液流向受影響的毛囊。

      促進血液循環、強化髮根,並延長生長(毛囊發育期)階段 使髮量增長且毛髮更加健康。




      0~4週: LED照射能促進血液循環,增加氧氣和必要營養物質流向休眠的毛囊,同時延緩DHT(導致脫髮的激素)的生成。

      4~8週: 營養物質會流向頭皮表面,這對於「喚醒」毛囊和強健現有毛囊非常重要。

      12~16週: 健康的毛囊會完全形成,並且整體毛囊數量會進一步增加。

      16週以後: 持續規律的使用CurrentBody Skin LED光療生髮帽,以增加毛囊的生長階段。






      尺寸:高20.5 公分x 寬24.9 公分x 深22.0 公分

      (頭部尺寸:54 公分- 58.9公分)


      尺寸:高22.3 公分x 寬29.5 公分x 深24.0 公分

      (頭部尺寸:59 公分- 63.5 公分)

      遵循建議的治療計劃,每天 10 分鐘,持續 16 週。 根據您的頭髮生長週期,您應該會在 6 至 8 週後開始看到效果。

      4 個月退款保證提供足夠的時間來完成整個 16 週的療程。

      這兩種技術都利用光覆蓋的力量來刺激細胞,促進血液循環,同時將必需的營養物質直接輸送到毛囊。 波長在頭髮生長和強壯、健康毛囊細胞的發育中發揮重要作用。 儘管這些光療技術相似,但也存在顯著區別。

      雷射療法使用單一波長將窄光束直接聚焦到頭皮,治療小區域。 LED 光療法使用一種或多種波長,以更寬的光帶治療更大的頭皮表面區域。 這意味著與雷射毛髮再生治療相比,LED 光療法具有更大的覆蓋範圍,每平方厘米激活更多數量的毛囊。


      1. 打開裝置

      2. 打開控制器,讓設備運行完整的10分鐘治療程序。設備將在10分鐘後自動關閉。

      3. 如果您的皮膚感覺到熱或不舒服,請立即停止使用設備。

      4. 治療後至少等待6小時。如果皮膚出現紅腫和/或發癢,則此設備不適合您。

      5. 在14天內將設備退回給CurrentBody,以獲得全額退款。


      1. 若您目前使用的藥物可能會誘發光線過敏,使用本儀器可能加重過敏症狀或是造成嚴重肌膚過敏。 光敏是許多藥物常見的副作用,包含抗生素、化療藥物和利尿劑等。若您不確定使用的藥物是否會造成光線過敏,請洽您的醫生。 其他可能造成光敏的因素: 聖約翰草、煤焦油、除臭劑、抗菌肥皂、人造甜味劑、萘(樟腦丸)、石油產品、洗衣粉中的增白劑和硫化鎘(刺青紋身過程中使用的化學物質): LED Device Contraindications

      2. 有任何疑似或癌症病灶。

      3. 有任何光敏感問題或任何眼睛的遺傳狀況。


      療程後可能會有短暫皮膚泛紅,通常在1-2小時候會恢復正常。 光療程後短暫性的頭痛是罕見但可能發生的副作用。立即停止使用裝置並聯絡您的醫療專業人員。


      CurrentBody LED 光療生髮帽專為雄激素遺傳性脫髮而設計,促進男性落髮類型(諾伍德量表IIa - V); 女性(Ludwig-Savin量表I-1 至 I-4, II-1, II-2 或前額區落髮) 頭髮生長。 適合膚色 I - IV (Fitzpatrick量表)

      • 美容的未來獎



        "專為您的頭部設計,含有超過 100 個紅光波長,有助刺激循環和血液流動。”

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        GQ 修容大獎 2023 得主

        「一位曾經頭髮稀疏的 GQ 貢獻者發誓,這頂頭盔是他現在鬃鬃有臉頭髮密度的主要原因之一。”

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        獲獎者Icon 2023 大獎


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        2023 年 Marie Claire 英國美髮獎獲獎者

        “哇,”評委 Lorette De Feo 說道,“這真是一個了不起的設備。”




      Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
      Based on 56 reviews
      Total 5 star reviews: 41 Total 4 star reviews: 11 Total 3 star reviews: 3 Total 2 star reviews: 0 Total 1 star reviews: 1
      93%would recommend this product
      QualityRated 4.7 on a scale of 1 to 5
      ResultsRated 4.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
      Ease of UseRated 4.5 on a scale of 1 to 5
      56 reviews
      • Lisa H.
        Verified Buyer
        I recommend this product
        Rated 5 out of 5 stars
        1 week ago
        Massive improvement after telogen effluvium

        I had a major operation and sepsis back in August. As a result, my hair started falling out. It was an all over thinning of the hair and it was terrible. I purchased this to desperately try to help my poor scalp back to health. I’ve used it at least 5 times a week since I received it and I have lots of new growth all over my head. Hairline is coming down further than normal too! I’m really impressed because I was in poor shape after my ordeal and this was comfortable to use and certainly has helped. I’m going to continue with it because my scalp has never grown so much hair before! I’m impressed. One small issue - my hair sometimes gets caught down the sides of the ear pieces when I take it off, but I’ve resolved that by loosely tying my hair in a pony tail when removing.

        QualityRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        ResultsRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        Ease of UseRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
      • Pervin S.
        Verified Buyer
        I recommend this product
        Rated 4 out of 5 stars
        3 months ago
        Excellent service. Device does deliver

        It’s been 2 months since myself and my husband have been using the helmet and I can definitely see noticeable difference on my husband’s bald patch as it’s easier to see the difference. My hair is longer so not as easy to notice but can see the side areas have some extra baby hairs growing. The helmet itself is great but the earpieces are too bulky hence, makes the fitting too tight (head circumference is 54cm, recommended size was small). However, I had to opt for the bigger size and the team at CB were absolutely super helpful and exchanged it super quickly. Apart from that I do think that the design needs a few improvements:

        -option to remove earpieces if helmet feels too tight.

        -the time display should be at the front rather than the side so you can see it on the mirror.

        -there should also be a battery life display as quite often in the middle of wearing the helmet, it turns itself off so you have to recharge it.

        -longer battery life as it seems to only last about 4-5 times on a single charge. So I hope it will still keep working in a couple years time and not be like the phones in need of updated models etc.

        -the stand for the helmet feels like absolute waste and has not much of a purpose. It could have acted as a charging station or money spent on it could be used for the points I’ve made above.

        Overall, I can recommend the product as it does do what it promises. It is pricey but you get quality product and service.

        QualityRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        ResultsRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        Ease of UseRated 4.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
      • Nabi
        Verified Buyer
        I recommend this product
        Rated 5 out of 5 stars
        6 months ago
        Very happy so far!

        I have not used the product long enough to tell you if it works (gotta give it those 4 months!). But so far I really liked my experience. The customer service was outstanding, the product arrived quickly, it is easy to use and comfortable... I have nothing negative to say.

        QualityRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        ResultsRated 3.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        Ease of useRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
      • Kate
        Flag of United Kingdom
        I recommend this product
        Age Range 45 - 54
        Gender Female
        Rated 5 out of 5 stars
        6 months ago
        Significant results

        I've been struggling with alopecia for the past ten years, and for the last four years, I've also dealt with Lichen Planopilaris (LPP), which meant no baby hair growth during that time. However, after starting to use the LED hair growth helmet in conjunction with topical hair products, I began to see baby hairs around the front of my hairline after about four months! I tried using the topicals alone in the past and it didn’t work but the combination works wonders!!

        QualityRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        ResultsRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        Ease of UseRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
      • MissJC
        Verified Buyer
        I recommend this product
        Rated 4 out of 5 stars
        6 months ago
        I think this might just be working!

        I'm not at the end of my 16 week stage yet, I'm only 9 weeks in but I believe there is an improvement. I can't feel it, my hair doesn't feel any thicker and I can't see it when looking in the mirror, but I have been faithfully taking photos every week and I'm sure I can see an . Obviously I will keep going to the end of the 16 weeks and hope that the results are so definitive that I will know for sure it's doing it's job. It does have some drawbacks, the helmet is quite heavy, although I'm getting used to the weight now. The lights are very bright, I wish there was an eye shield. I can wear shades with it on though which does help a little bit. Thje little plastic suckers inside are a bit annoying, I have curly hair and they always seem to get at least one hair tangled in then which gets pulled out when I remove the helmet. It's only 10 mins a day to use which is a plus as it's not very comfortable. At first the battery lasted a week after full charge, but 9 weeks in and I have to charge twice a week now. If not charged it just switches off while it's on your head. Charging is easy with a USB-C type cable that somes with the helmet, a flashing light indicates full charge. The timer auto-swicthes the helmet off in 10 mins, it has a timer on but it's on the outside of the right ear so I cannot see it when i'm wearing it. It has padded ear pieces inside and can connect to mobile phone by bluetooth. I will continue with the daily sessions and hope to see more…

        QualityRated 4.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        ResultsRated 4.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
        Ease of UseRated 4.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
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